Monday, May 28, 2007

The unique sound~~!!

It sound so unique that everyone will be smilling and felt joyful listenning to it. A sound that is so loud and sharp through our ears driving our brain go crazy. Still this sound is so unique everyone is happy to hear it and giving a smile in return. It is so touching that even sometimes we shed tears looking and listenning to it. This moment is so precious and memorable. After all the hard work, finally we could hear the first sound, the perfect unique sound. They have work together with those loved ones throughout the 38weeks.
Whenever I hear it, I felt so satisfied and happy. Exchanging smile with each other.
Congratulating for the success!
The sound of the very first cry from the new born baby.

Monday, September 18, 2006

7th Pantai Institute Health Science and Nursing Convocation~~

It's my convocation today~~ Held at Hilton Hotel, PJ. Wasn't that grand as I thought so like my brother's but then better than nothing. Anyway, my parents came to see me. My sister is having class so she missed it. But I took lots of photos to let her see it. Then my hubbie came to become my photographer. Take here and there. Go here and there. Busy here busy there. Everything went well. Then mom bought me a bouquet of flower. Wow... Best mom I ever had~~~ Then took studio photo with my parents and hubbie.

Guess today wasn't that bad after all. Smilling all the time. Taking photo all the time. But one thing the gown is really very heavy and warm.

Will upload them later...very tired. Tomorrow still need to go to work.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Additional 1 year......

Happy Birthday to me~~~~!!!!! Wow...Finally I am 24 years old. That's real old. Some says you are still young, some says by that age I am a mother of two. Don't know what to say.

Today I had a blast of fun with my hubbie-chai~~~ We went all around to shop and eat and chat. First time we chat and laugh non stopped~~~~~ That's the bested time I ever had~~ I hope this isn't the last one. I him so muchiezzz~~~ He is the best~ We went to The Curve for lunch, ate the Paddington House of Pancakes. That was filling even though it's just pancakes. The dishes are huge. Then we went and walk around the bazaar. Looking around, comenting on everything we saw. Laughing and gossiping. After that we went to look around at the Harvey Normans, Barang Barang, Ikea for my new room's furniture. Then we came home to rest for an hour or two. Then here we go again for dinner at Bangsar. At first thought of eating at one of the French restaurant at the One Bangsar but it's close on Sunday~~~ Then we decided to eat at the new chinese restaurant there Shanghai 10. Not to bad but I think Eric Tsang's restaurant is better. Then we compare their food there. Then we went and walked around at MPH, Sasa, Guardian, Blook. Having so much fun though it's something usual for couples to do but then at least it's fun sharing this special moments with him. He is such a darling to me... My will always be his~~

Tomorrow will be my convocation. Was having a fashion show just now. Changing into so many clothes, thinking of which one to wear. Which one look descent, which one look smart, which one look gorgeous, which one look cool, which one SUITS me~~~~~!!!!!! That was a terrible time I had there. My mom said looks like I am choosing a husband so picky. Anyway, I chose the one looks descent and sweet. Hope it's not too much. Hope tomorrow will be grand. My parents will be coming only. Then after that during refreshment only my hubbie will join in. Hope everything will be fine tomorrow. Am a bit worried and anxious~~~ I need some Xanax~~

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pantai Annual Dinner~ a.k.a My birthday eve

*phew* Night duty finally come to the end. *yahhHHoooooOOOooo*

Later I have my company annual dinner at Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. Wondering whether is it a good one or not. Combining with four Pantai Hospital branches(Pantai Bangsar, Pantai Klang, Pantai Cheras & Pantai Indah). Wow...must be packed~

Then after 12Midnight today, is my 24th birthday~ Wow...Imagine time flies so fast. I am getting old...

Anyway, I better go prepare myself...need to set my hair....need to make's rock and roll ...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Night Shifts~~

After one night to the other night......
It ain't easy to work on night duty. Need a lot of stay awake~ since our normal body mechanism is sleeping at the night time. So now I have turned into a . Then after duty back at my room.... Lolz~

Anyway, luckily the ward is not that busy, so we still can manage it.

Another 4 more days...My birthday of course...what else... Hoping for some surprises but then I can't put high hopes on it. Afraid of disappointment...So better not.

Was really busy decorating my new room. Have no idea how to. Have not buy my table, closet, shelf yet. Only bed, light, fan and air conditioner. Really troublesome. Running out of idea. Sister asked me to go for furniture shopping on my birthday.... Should I? Was thinking of doing something special on that day. Maybe a one day trip or something.

We shall see then.... put on my thinking cap....

Friday, September 08, 2006

Environment in working place~

To work is something I dreamt of when I was sitting in the class listenning to my lecturer bla bla bla. Now when I am working, I start to miss those time I had in the classes. Life is always like that. When you have it, you tend to miss something else.

Things are totally different here as I am in a new place. Making friends all over again. Being a junior and being pushed around. Life is like that. But then I really missed those time working with my friends. Things are much different as we can discussed what to do, how to do and asked questions. Here, I can ask questions but not others. Its more like I have to follow their way. Then sometimes when I do practiced what I learnt, it's not the same. So it's rather difficult here. So all I can do it to follow their way. Another sentence that I hate to hear from them is "Work smart and not work hard"

I am still practising my way that I was thought at home. Hoping not to lost touch with my skills.

Working life over here are not as stress as I thought. It's alright. One step by a step. Still I can't handle cases by myself yet especially delivery cases. Hoping one day I can manage it all by myself. Mistakes that I have made have never been repeated. So I think I am doing just fine.

Another 10 days to go is my Convocation. Wondering what to wear. Then another 9 more d days is my birthday. Wondering how to celebrate it. Hoping for something special to happen.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Eve of Independence day~

*Boom* *Boom* *Bam* *Bam* (Doesn't this sounds like Bam Bam the lil kid in the cartoon Flinestone?) Was wondering whether to celebrate today or not....It's our Independence Day~~~ I guess I will just watch the fireworks opposite at the playground area. Not feeling well to join the crowd. Fall sick during my off day...what a sick day....

But then at least I got to eat lunch with my hubbie. He too fell ill today. So rest the whole day hoping for the better to come tomorrow.

He is resting on the bed after eating medicine. So I have got this good idea...Bad bad bad idea.

I think I better eat my medicine and go to rest~~